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Trenchless Education
Education Contents
Educational Programs
Program with S&P GmbH
HDD Drillers Qualification
MTPJ Operator Qualification
Diploma in Trenchless Technology
Post Diploma in Trenchless Technology
IndSTT Certification Training Course on Trenchless Technology
IndSTT Certified Instructor (ICI) Course
Testing and Certification of HDD Machine Operators

Horizontal Directional Drilling Machines provide state-of-art solutions for developing subsurface piped networks in several inaccessible/Sensitive locations where open cut pipe laying is not feasible/advisable. This inaccessibility in turn leads to working under direction & dimensions constraints and mistakes are costly beyond job and may lead to disruption of public utility. Further such machines, being sophisticated and state-of-art may also get subjected to stresses beyond their design capacities if handled improperly. The obvious outcome will be damages to machines of varying degrees. The need therefore is to put structure and regulate operations of drilling machines and permit the operations only by the qualified persons.


Competency standards for Qualifications of operators are proposed in this document. Persons desirous of operating these machines need to display the minimum qualifications in order to handle cable and pipe installation successfully and reliably. Indian Society for Trenchless Technology, the apex organization to promote the application of Trenchless Technology under its Trenchless Technology Workers Vocational Qualification Project is conducting this process in India and other South Asian Nations.


Any operator of these machines needs to undertake the prescribed competency tests at defined intervals to get the certification as a qualified driller. At no point of time any machine owner/operator should permit non-certified or persons with expired certificates to operate the drilling machines.


Through the documents detailed below, various aspects like Certification details, Vocational Qualification Standards for HDD operators, Syllabus for testing and the HDD Driller Standards Committee Members are discussed.